SAIL CET Ranchi Recruitment | Recruitment of Managers in CET Ranchi | Centre for Engineering and Technology (CET) Managers Vaccancy 2023
SAIL CET Ranchi Recruitment : Centre for Engineering & Technology (CET), is the in-house design, engineering and consultancy unit of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) – a Maharatna Public Sector Enterprise and the leading steel-making company in India, with head office at Ranchi and sub centres at major SAIL plant locations invites applications from eligible persons for the following posts for its Headquarter at Ranchi and sub-centres.
SAIL CET Ranchi Vacancy Details
1. Manager (Coal, Coke & Chemical) (E-3) – 01 Vacancy
2. Manager (Civil & Structural) (E-3) – 02 Vacancy
3. Manager (Process, Control & Automation) (E-3) – 01 Vacancy
4. Manager (Electrical) (E-3) – 02 Vacancy
5. Manager (Mechanical/ U&S) (E-3) – 02 Vacancy
6. Manager (Technology – Iron & Sinter/ Steel/ Rolling Mills) (E-3) – 02 Vacancy
Eligibility Criteria
B.E./B.Tech. (Full time) in Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Control / Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mechanical/ Production Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering discipline from Govt. recognized University/ Institute.

Age Limit :
Maximum Age 35 Years as on Closing Date of receipt of application (24/04/2023).
Application Fee :
General / OBC/ EWS : Rs 700/-
SC / ST / PWD / ESM : Rs 200/-
How To Apply :
Eligible and interested candidates should submit their duly filled-in application as per the prescribed APPLICATION FORMAT given at ANNEXURE-I, neatly typed or printed in capital letter on plain paper of A4 size, furnishing details. The application format can also be downloaded from the Company’s website at the link “Careers” or
Click the given link to download the SAIL CET Ranchi Manager Recruitment Notification 2023.