Burnpur Hospital, Burnpur of SAIL | Walk In Interview for Recruitment of Paramedical Staff viz. Nurses, OT Technician, Dresser(Female), X-ray Technician, Laboratory Technician and Blood bank Technician,Pulmonary Function Test Technician Vacancy 2023
SAIL Burnpur Hospital invites applications for Walk In Interview for engagement of trainees under a Proficiency Training Programme (Paramedics & Nurses) from qualified paramedics namely Operation Theatre Technician, Dresser (Female), X-Ray Technician, Laboratory & Blood Bank Technician, Pulmonary Function Test Technician and Nurses for a period of 18 months.
SAIL Burnpur Hospital Vacancy Details :
(a) Operation Theatre Technician : 02 vacancies
Essential Qualification : Intermediate (10+2) with Science from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. & 2(Two) Years Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. OR Graduate in Operation Theatre Technology from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt.
(b) Dresser (Female) : 01 vacancy
Essential Qualification : Intermediate (10+2) with Science from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. & Diploma or Certificate Course in Dresser from any university /
institution recognized by the Central or State Govt.
(c) X-Ray Technician : 02 vacancies
Essential Qualification : Intermediate (10+2) with Science from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. & 2(Two) Years Diploma in Radiography(DRD) from any university /
institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. OR Graduate in Radiography from any university /
institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. (Experience in CT-Scan will be given preference).
(d) Laboratory + Blood Bank Technician : 01 vacancy
Essential Qualification :Intermediate (10+2) with Science from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. & 2 (Two) Years Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
(DMLT) from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. OR Graduate in Medical Laboratory Technology ( BMLT) from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt.
(e) Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) Technician : 01 vacancy
Essential Qualification : Intermediate (10+2) with Science from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. & 2(Two) Years Diploma in Pulmonary Function Test Technology from
any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. OR Graduate in Pulmonary Function Test Technology from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt.
(f) Nurses : 09 vacancies
Essential Qualification : Intermediate (10+2) from any university / institution recognized by the Central or State Govt. & BSc (Nursing) / Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) from a
recognised Institute / College affiliated to Indian Nursing Council (INC).
SAIL Burnpur Hospital Technician Stipend & Allowances :
Rs. 8,000/- (stipend) + Rs. 7,020/- (Rs. 260 x 27 as allowance) = Rs. 15,020/-.

Eligibility Criteria :
Upper Age Limit :
General candidates – 30 years on 01/03/2023
OBC Candidates – 33 years on 01/03/2023
ST & SC Candidates – 35 years on 01/03/2023
PH candidates – 45 for SC/ST; 43 for OBC ; 40 for UR
Note : Duration of Training : 18 months, Subsequent Extension subject to vacancy. Details pertaining to the number of trainees to be engaged in each stream and other requirements including qualification, age, application format, etc. can be download from www.sail.co.in (or) by sending an email to medical.burnpurhospital@gmail.com.
Interview Schedule :
Date of Interview : 13th March, 2023 (for Paramedics) & 14th March, 2023 (for Nurses)
Place of Interview : Confluence, Opp. to Burnpur Post Office, Near Bharti Bhawan, P.O. Burnpur -713325, DT: Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal.
Reporting Time : 09.00 am to 11:00 AM with documents in original and photocopies.
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