CSIR Central Leather Research Institute-Chennai- Recruitment of Scientists (Adv. No. 05/2022)

The CSIR Central Leather Research Institute [CLRI], Chennai was established in the year 1948 with headquarters at Chennai. It has Regional Centres at Ahmedabad, Jalandhar, Kanpur and Kolkata. CLRI is the central hub in Indian Leather Sector with direct roles in Education, Research, Training, Testing, Designing, Forecasting, Planning, Social empowerment and leading in Science and Technology relating to Leather and footwear. CLRI is also a significant contributor in the area of Collagen bio-materials.
The CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute [CLRI], Chennai is a premier constituent establishment of
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), which is an Autonomous Body under the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India invites ONLINE application from enthusiastic, innovative and young Indian researchers having
excellent academic record, proven scientific achievements with zeal for innovative Research & Development to fill up the following scientific positions.
Name & No. of the Post :
Scientist Group IV(2) – 15 Posts
Pay Scale :
Pay Level- 11 Rs.67,700/- (Rs 67,700- Rs 208,700)
Upper Age Limit ** (as on last date of submission of online Application) :
32 Years . Relaxation in upper age : OBC – 03Years, PWD – 10Years(13 years for OBC and 15 years for
SC/ST candidates).
Essential Qualification :
Ph.D. or M.E. / M.Tech in relevant field (See Full advertisement for detail)
Mode of Selection :
On the recommendations of Screening Committee candidates will be called for interview with a duly constituted Selection Committee. The selection of the candidate will be based on the recommendation of
the Selection Committee.
CSIR Central Leather Research Institute-Chennai- Recruitment of Scientists (Adv. No. 05/2022)
Application Fee :
Male candidates belonging to General / OBC / EWS category are required to pay application fee of
Rs 100/- Online through ‘SB Collect’. The candidates may also generate challan and make payment at
any of the branches of SBI. Women candidates, CSIR Employees and those belonging to SC / ST / PWD / ESM are exempted from paying application fee.
Click Here To Pay Application Fee
How To Apply :
Eligible candidates are required to apply only through ONLINE APPLICATION in the link available on
CSIR-CLRI’s website https://clri.org on or before 23.01.2023. Instruction to fill up Online Application is also given in the CSIR-CLRI website.
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