IOCL Requirement of Experienced Personnel on Fixed Term Contract Basis for engagement as
Fixed Term Employees (FTEs) in Refineries Division 2023
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) is a diversified, integrated energy major with presence in oil, gas, petrochemicals and alternative energy sources. Empowered with the ‘Maharatna’ status, the organization aspires to be ‘The Energy of India’ and ‘A Globally Admired Company’.
To fuel its future growth, IOCL invites applications from energetic, dedicated and experienced candidates for selection for engagement as Executive Level L1 and Executive Level L2 for Project related jobs of various Refinery Units purely on Fixed Term Contract basis, as follows:
IOCL Experienced Professional in Refineries 2023 Post Details :
1. Executive Level L1 on Fixed Term Engagement basis at annual consolidated amount of Rs. 12 lakhs : 96 Posts

2. Executive Level L2 on Fixed Term Engagement basis at annual consolidated amount of Rs. 16 lakhs : 10 Posts

Educational Qualification :
1. Executive Level L1 : Qualification Category (a) Graduate(B.E./ B.Tech) in relevant discipline. (b) Prescribed Qualification Requirement (Full time Regular) : (i) Mechanical Engineering (excluding Automation/ Automobile/ Industrial/ Manufacturing/ Power/ Production Engineering/ Mining Engineering & Technology, Mining & Machinery/Marine Engineering/ Robotics/ Welding etc.) (ii) Electrical Engineering (including Electrical & Electronics Engineering but excluding Electrical & Communication/ Electronics & Communication/ Power Engineering/ Telecommunication Engineering etc.) (iii) Civil Engineering (excluding Construction /Environmental/Transportation Engineering etc.) (iv) Instrumentation Engineering (including Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering/ Instrumentation & Control Engineering but excluding Electronics & Communication Engineering/Telecommunication Engineering etc.)
Qualification Category (a) Diploma in relevant discipline Prescribed Qualification Requirement (Full time Regular) : (i) Mechanical : 3 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (ii) Electrical: 3 years Diploma in Electrical Engg. / Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. (iii) Civil: 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering (iv) Instrumentation: 3 years Diploma in Instrumentation
Engg/Instrumentation & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control Engg, / Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.
(2) Executive Level L2 :
Qualification Category (a)Graduate (B.E/ B.Tech) in Mechanical Engineering Prescribed Qualification Requirement (Full time Regular) : (i) Mechanical Engineering (excluding Automation/
Automobile/ Industrial/ Manufacturing/ Power/ Production Engineering/ Mining Engineering & Technology, Mining & Machinery/Marine Engineering/ Robotics/ Welding etc.)
Qualification Category (a) Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Prescribed Qualification Requirement (Full time Regular) : (i)Mechanical: 3 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
Age Limit :
As on 28.02.2023, for General and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) category candidates:
1. Executive Level L1 : 35 Years
2. Executive Level L2 : 45 Years
Age Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC-NCL/ExSM will be as indicated under “Concessions/ Relaxations” section.
Application Fee :
General, OBC (NCL) and EWS candidates are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs.300/- (Rupees Three hundred only) through SBI Collect .No application fee is required to be paid by candidates belonging to SC/ST/ExSM categories.
How To Apply for IOCL Experienced Professional in Refineries 2023 :
Candidates may visit the website and Go to ‘What’s New’ > Click on “Requirement of Experienced Personnel on Fixed Term Contract Basis for engagement as Fixed Term Employees (FTEs) in Refineries Division – 2023” to get the detailed Advertisement. Online Application forms are separate for the FTE positions of Executive Level L1 and for the FTE positions of Executive Level L2.